Cooking Hit List

Wednesday 11 November 2015

It's been a little while since I last did some baking so this week I thought I would dedicate my post to my 'cooking hit list', which is basically all of the recipes I've been eyeing up over the last couple weeks that I can't wait to recreate for myself!

I'm always looking for healthy dinner ideas and I'm definitely one of those people who feels the need to finish a meal with something sweet, so my list below is geared towards ticking both of these boxes!

Dinner Hit List:

Livia's Kitchen: Avocado and Mushroom Risotto

Risotto is such a winner for me but I'd probably say that I'd classify it as more of an indulgent dinner choice due to the white rice and creamy sauces involved; however Livia's recipe really solves this dilemma. This recipe gets its creamy goodness from avocados and it can be created as either a side or a main dish. 

The Body Coach: Lean Lentil Burger with Portobello Mushroom

Joe Wicks makes cooking look quick, easy, healthy and fun! He's known for his mantra "Lean in 15" and I cannot wait for his cookbook to come out in a few months time. This recipe looks both delicious and nutritious and I've been wanting to make a burger with portobello's for quite some time now, so this is definitely on my agenda! 

Jamie's Superfood: Green Tea Roasted Salmon & Sizzling Moroccan Prawns 

I absolutely loved Jamie Oliver's superfood TV series as it provided me with so many new and different ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Two recipes that particularly took my eye were his green tea roasted salmon and sizzling Moroccan prawns. Seafood is a big part of my diet and both of these recipes sound experimental and flavoursome. Normally I would drink my green tea so I'm intrigued to see how it will taste in a different context! 

Dessert Hit List:

Deliciously Ella: Carrot Cake Cookies

Carrot cake is one of my favourite cakes and cookies are an ultimate weakness of mine, so combining these two beauties together sounds absolutely glorious! These cookies are full of goodness, being made from ingredients such as oats, bananas, apples and nut butter...perfect with a nice evening cuppa!

Plant Based Pixie: Chai Flapjacks

Chai has such a warm, wintery taste and flapjacks are so lovely and comforting, so these are perfect for this time of year. I've always wondered whether herbal teas could be incorporated into recipes to add some extra flavour so hopefully these should give me an indication! 

Hemsley & Hemsley: Avocado Lime Cheesecake

Cheesecake is my favourite dessert and definitely something that I'd love to indulge in more often without having to worry about the ridiculous sugar content. This year at the Big Feastival I watched the Hemsley sisters make this dessert and I'm honestly so intrigued as to how it tastes! With the addition of lime and honey to the avocado flesh, I'm positive that this cheesecake alternative will be a delight.

So there you have it, my cooking hit list for the next few months! Hopefully I will get round to making all of these recipes before the year is up and if not, it will definitely be one of my New Years resolutions to make something new each week!

- Megan

A Hug in a Box

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Subscription boxes are all the range at the moment, covering everything from snacking (Graze) to cosmetics (Glossyboxand my latest discovery - mental health.

Last week I stumbled across 'Buddybox'; a subscription box created by Blurt Foundation with the aim to make a difference to anyone affected by depression. These boxes are filled with things to help, comfort and inspire individuals that are struggling and they can be treated as either a thoughtful gift for a loved one or a means of indulging in a bit of self-care. As a former psychology student and a current volunteer in mental health, I have a great interest in finding new and innovative ways to support people and I think these boxes are a fantastic step in the right direction. 

As I write this post I'm currently browsing through the Buddybox website and I can't even begin to tell you know lovely I think the whole thing is; each month a new page is dedicated to people's reactions to receiving their boxes and it just goes to show how the little things can make a big difference-  check it out here!

If I was to design a one off box for myself I think I would include the following:

  • Hot chocolate: my ultimate weakness and number 1 comfort
  • A quote plaque: I really love the little quote plaques/ornaments that you find in little trinket shops - a few words of wisdom are always encouraging to read no matter what mood you're in!
  • Rabbit pyjamas: Probably a bit bulky for one of these little boxes but I absolutely love rabbits and I have a guilty pleasure for buying pyjamas so this would kill two birds with one stone!
  • Recipe cards: A friend of mine bought me a recipe book called "Eat Yourself Happy" for my birthday last year and its full of interesting food facts and mood enhancing recipes, which I think would be a great addition to a box like this!
  • A lipstick: I am obsessed with buying lipsticks and tints so this would be a nice little extra to make me feel good about myself!
  • Colouring book: Colouring books are a new trend taking the shops by storm and I definitely agree that they're a great way to unwind.
I can think of thousands of other items that I'd happily receive and I definitely think I'm going to invest is one of these boxes in the near future, whether it be for myself or someone I care about - I'll be sure to share with you the contents when I do!

- Megan

Me Time

Wednesday 28 October 2015

October has been a really busy month for me, both at work and socially. My weekdays have been monopolised by work, exercise and sleep, whereas my weekends have been packed with countless birthdays, catching up with friends and volunteering. Although it's great to be busy with lots on the go, one thing I really feel I've lacked lately is 'me time.'

'Me time' is something that I really value; it's a chance for me to do the things I enjoy, reflect on my thoughts and relax in the pleasure of my own company. As much as I try to avoid planning my free time down to a T, I often find that I book my weekends up in advance so I can regularly catch up with friends and family, and as a result 'me time' fast becomes an afterthought. 

Last weekend I decided to take a 4-day weekend and I feel it did me a world of good; I did some home-cooking, I went out for a friends birthday, and best of all I went to a spa with my mum and got rid of all of those nasty knots in my back.

Sometimes I think we take our time for granted - it's easy to get caught up in our hectic lives and many of us (myself included) forget to put some time aside to do the things we love. Going forward, I'm hoping to make some more time for myself and I definitely urge the rest of you to do the same too... who needs an excuse to be self-indulgent!?

- Megan

Good Life Eatery

Wednesday 21 October 2015

I love a good meal out, whether it be for breakfast, lunch or dinner. I am notorious for burying myself in carbs at Italian restaurants (you've got to treat yourself when you eat out, don't you?) but sometimes it's just nice to go somewhere where you can be indulgent without compromising your health or waistline - and this is where healthy cafe's come in!

The Good Life Eatery in Sloane Square is one of my favourite restaurants; it's full of wondrous healthy food and it's absolutely delicious! Good Life sells everything from juices to on-the-go snacks and superfood salads and it is home to one of my favourite breakfast dishes of all time: the acai bowl.

All of Good Life's dishes and products are freshly made each day and it caters for all sorts of food intolerance's, which is not so easy to come by in your traditional restaurant. 

I have only ever been to this lovely cafe a few times as I don't live in London, but if I lived closer I definitely think I'd spend all of my time and money in here! As I have only been here for breakfast, I haven't yet tried all of the glorious looking salads and superfood bowls, but if they taste as good as they look (which I'm sure they do!) I'll be a very happy girl!

I am slowly ticking off my list of health food hot-spots in London and I definitely recommend giving one a visit if you fancy something different and delicious! Another great thing about these cafe's is the fact that they provide you with some fantastic food inspiration for your own meals at home, and I'm sure you will agree that it's not always easy to think of tasty meals to put on the table every night!

You can scope out what Good Life has to offer here and I guarantee you that you'll be drooling at your screen!

- Megan

Fitness Favourites: Victoria Secret Workouts

Wednesday 14 October 2015

They say summer bodies are made in the winter, so what better time of year to write a post on exercise!?

Every week I aim to work on the famous trio: bum, legs and tum. Although I'd love to perfect all three areas, I think if I was to choose one it would be abs - who wouldn't want a cracking 6-pack!?

A little while back I turned to YouTube for some inspiration and I stumbled across the XHIT Daily Victoria Secret workout series; when VS models look as good as they do I figured I couldn't go wrong with giving these a go.

The XHIT series is full of fantastic 10-15 minutes videos designed to tone all areas of the body, all in the comfort of your own home. Although I haven't yet tried all of the videos (there are so many to choose from!) my favourite so far has to be The Best Victoria Secret Ab Workout by Kelsey Lee.

This workout is about 15 minutes long and includes ab exercises that work everything from your upper and lower abs to your obliques. A 30-60 second timer is presented for each workout and I personally think this is a fantastic motivator as you're never doing something long enough to lose interest or cripple away in pain! Kelsey adopts a really chatty and encouraging tone and the fact that she is doing the workout with you really helps you to see it through until the end.

I absolutely love this workout and I think it's great that it can easily be slotted into your day. If I ever find like I'm strapped for time I just complete the first set of the video (about 7 minutes) and I still feel satisfied that I've worked hard. I've also tried the Angel Butt workout which is 100% worth giving a go too. Who knew you could feel such an impact in such a short space of time!?

- Megan

Small Acts of Kindness

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Have you ever wondered what marks our time here? If one life can really make an impact on the world or if the choices we make matter?

For the past couple of weeks I have been re-watching old episodes of One Tree Hill, one of my all time favourite TV series. Besides the captivating plot, relatable characters, and the eye candy that is Chad Michael Murray, the thing I like the most about this series is that it never fails to get me thinking (cue my deep and meaningful thoughts for your reading pleasure...).

In the episode "Songs to Love and Die By" the main character, Lucas, has a heart attack and during his state of unconsciousness he experiences an alternative reality, one which shows him how different life would be if he hadn't made the choices he had. In a nutshell, tragedies have led Lucas to believe that being a good person doesn't matter, but as the episode progresses he is shown that all of his acts of kindness, no matter how big or small, have impacted the lives of his friends and family immensely.

With this is mind, I have been particularly reflective about whether or not the choices I make really matter. I love it when a stranger smiles at you in the street or when a store cashier sparks up a genuine conversation with you and wishes you a good day; if I smile back at the stranger or wish the cashier a good day back, will I positively impact their day? I'd like to think so.

I think the following quote is spot on and it really sums up my sentiments with regards to small acts of kindness:
A simple smile can turn someone's whole life around - it can signal support, approval or just genuine compassion and for someone who is having a bad day, a little smile can provide them with the reassurance they need to make them realise that things maybe aren't as bad as they seem.  

Other than the foods we eat and the lifestyle choices we make, I think a big part of being healthy is rooted in our relationships with others and our social environment. Over the past couple of years I have made a conscious effort to become more thoughtful in everything that I do, whether it be through keeping in touch with people, remembering the little things (have I asked Friend X how their interview went?) or simply by adopting a kind and caring nature with everyone that I meet.  

One of my favourite books is the '5 People You Meet in Heaven' by Mitch Albom, which is about a man who encounters five strangers in heaven who significantly impacted his life when he was alive, irrespective of whether he personally knew them or not. This is a real thought-provoker as it really highlights the significance of our actions and how we can impact a strangers life without even knowing it - it's definitely worth a read!

In response to the opening questions of this post, I really do think that one life can make an impact on the world, even if it's just the world of another person. Kindness doesn't cost a thing and we'd all do well to show more of it. I also think it's important that we become kinder to ourselves; we need to stop beating ourselves up over small failures and comparing ourselves to others. The choices we make do matter, so let's start using these choices to improve the lives of ourselves and others for the better!

P.s. Being kind to myself means that I can treat myself to a new wardrobe this week, right?

- Megan

Food Plan Galore

Wednesday 30 September 2015

My food plans have always been the subject of other people's amusement. Who on earth plans what they are going to eat weeks in advance? That's right, I do. 

Now that's not to say I stick to these plans all day, every day; if I'm really craving something for dinner one day then I'll have it, regardless if the plan says so or not. The whole point of my food plans are not because I'm an organised control freak who needs to know what I'm eating 6 weeks in advance, they're to make sure I have a variety in my diet and they're a guide to help me stay on track with healthy eating. 

I first began writing food plans in my second year of University with one of my housemates - we cooked all of our meals together and to make sure we didn't have the same thing for dinner all the time we decided to take a more organised approach to our eating by planning our meals in advance. 

I must admit, food plans are definitely a guilty pleasure of mine. I love sitting down on a Sunday afternoon to review all of the delicious looking dishes I have screen-shotted from Instagram and deciding what I'm going to eat and when. There are SO many recipes that I'm desperate to try and I personally think I would never get round to trying them all if I didn't schedule them in. 

Along with my food plans, I also try to schedule in my workouts too. If I'm planning on eating something slightly more indulgent one day, I'll be sure to hit the gym that day too to compensate for the extra calories. Additionally, if I know I'm going to go to the gym after work, I'll make sure I pencil in a late afternoon snack to give me that extra burst of energy.

As I mentioned above, food plans really help you to maintain a healthy lifestyle and they're also fantastic when it comes to making your weekly food shop a breeze. Paperchase sell some great weekly planners that look perfect for creating an almighty food plan and they also sell some fabulous looking shopping lists that I can't wait to get my hands on too. 

So next week, why not create a food plan of your own? You won't be disappointed! 

- Megan