Food Plan Galore

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

My food plans have always been the subject of other people's amusement. Who on earth plans what they are going to eat weeks in advance? That's right, I do. 

Now that's not to say I stick to these plans all day, every day; if I'm really craving something for dinner one day then I'll have it, regardless if the plan says so or not. The whole point of my food plans are not because I'm an organised control freak who needs to know what I'm eating 6 weeks in advance, they're to make sure I have a variety in my diet and they're a guide to help me stay on track with healthy eating. 

I first began writing food plans in my second year of University with one of my housemates - we cooked all of our meals together and to make sure we didn't have the same thing for dinner all the time we decided to take a more organised approach to our eating by planning our meals in advance. 

I must admit, food plans are definitely a guilty pleasure of mine. I love sitting down on a Sunday afternoon to review all of the delicious looking dishes I have screen-shotted from Instagram and deciding what I'm going to eat and when. There are SO many recipes that I'm desperate to try and I personally think I would never get round to trying them all if I didn't schedule them in. 

Along with my food plans, I also try to schedule in my workouts too. If I'm planning on eating something slightly more indulgent one day, I'll be sure to hit the gym that day too to compensate for the extra calories. Additionally, if I know I'm going to go to the gym after work, I'll make sure I pencil in a late afternoon snack to give me that extra burst of energy.

As I mentioned above, food plans really help you to maintain a healthy lifestyle and they're also fantastic when it comes to making your weekly food shop a breeze. Paperchase sell some great weekly planners that look perfect for creating an almighty food plan and they also sell some fabulous looking shopping lists that I can't wait to get my hands on too. 

So next week, why not create a food plan of your own? You won't be disappointed! 

- Megan

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